Due to the wonderfully frigid weather and Sister dunkley's nonexistent
immune system I have successfully contracted a respiratory infection
and the possibility of pneumonia if I am not careful and stay out of
the cold but thanks to wonderful doctors in Nephi I'm all set up with
lots of medications and an inhaler so I'll be doing good soon. Now
that we got the worst news out of the way the week wasn't terrible
just not great. We have some flaky people that we work with which is
hard but it opened up an opportunity to find a new investigator that
we put on date for this month in the first lesson it was one of my
favorite lessons I've been in on my mission so far! She's awesome and
I'm so excited for her. Thursday was the beginning of the lock in
because there was a blizzard and we had a half day meeting planned in
Payson that got canceled because of the weather so we had to stay in
and weekly plan. The weather was better on Friday so we were able to
have the meeting then and it was really good! We learned about charity
a lot and how it qualifies us for the work. I really enjoyed it and
since then have been really trying to learn more about it. I think the
most powerful thing I learned about charity is that if we are trying
to be like Christ we will inherently be charitable towards others and
I really liked that. As his disciples we all are asked to be like Him
and to have charity and that is something that I'll probably have to
work on my whole life to be honest. I love this work and I'm so glad I
can be here in Nephi helping the people and bringing them unto our
Savior Jesus Christ. I hope you all will do something this week to be
more charitable and like our Savior I know it will bless your life and
increase your faith in Him. I love you all have a great week and stay
warm if you're in Utah cause it's colder than Alaska here ❄️
Love from Nephi,
Sister Dunkley
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